Safety and Security for Those Most Vulnerable

This is a dangerous season in Israel. Security is a high priority, especially for communities in Judea and Samaria. One Israel Fund with Marc Provisor provides support to these communities, and your donations to Eagle Mountain International Church and Kenneth Copeland Ministries are helping provide safety for these vulnerable people. Security cameras that KCM has donated have already caught multiple terrorists trying to enter Jewish neighborhoods. When the motion sensor camera gives off an alert, the IDF and civilian security can intercept them.

Another aspect of this is helping officers quickly move around in the mountainous regions. You have helped donate one ATV already to the city of Beit El, with eight more on the way to other communities; in addition to supplying medical kits for the civilian patrol cars in Judea and Samaria. Marc Provisor described the impact of EMIC and KCM in this way: “Every community in Judea and Samaria has been touched by Kenneth Copeland Ministries. Because KCM was so quick to respond, we were the ones who got the equipment ordered first and delivered first!” This is how your donations are turning the tide in Israel.

If you would like to be a part of blessing Israel during this time of war, click HERE; 100% of your gift will go to help Israel.