Flashpoint: “God’s Got This! Israel & the Nations” (Oct. 17, 2023)

The Tuesday, Oct. 17 edition of FlashPoint with Gene Bailey opened with an interview with Representative Kari Lake from Arizona. Lake shared her recent news that she will be running for a congressional seat, and the conversation between Bailey and Lake focused on Arizona’s major issue involving the ongoing open border. In recent news, the FBI warned of possible copycat attacks by Hamas or other terrorist groups within the United States made possible because of illegal border crossings. When asked how the border problem could be solved, Lake declared that the problem could easily be solved. As a veteran journalist who had reported at the borders of Arizona for 27 years, she described the border as very secure during the Trump administration. Lake said of the individuals streaming nonstop into her state, “I fear there will be a terrorist attack if this does not stop.” The primary issue with immigration laws not being enforced is that no one knows the background of the individuals entering the country. And there is no one stopping dangerous people from entering the U.S.

Next, Lance Wallnau discussed what he’s experiencing as he travels throughout Europe. Currently in Vienna, Wallnau shared that the European media is clearly aligning itself against Israel and is pressuring Israel toward a cease-fire. He was shocked by the support of the widespread protests being led by Hamas and other terrorist groups. When asked if he believes the terrorist actions were or were not related to the perceived weakness of the United States under the current administration, he said, “Can you imagine this happening when Trump was in office?” When asked about the famous two-state solution, Wallnau stated his opinion that there is no possibility of Israel considering that, but that he would not be shocked if Russian President Vladimir Putin suddenly encourages his allies to try to sit down with the United States and Israel to create this solution. 

Amidst all the uncertainty, Florida Representative Cory Mills has provided Americans with hope that there is still strength in the United States. When Mills realized that nothing was being done to get American citizens out of Israel, he took it upon himself to help. Since offering help, he has been able to bring 96 Americans home. He and those working with him have also secured a charter plane that can hold up to 218 people. When asked why he is getting involved personally, he responded with, “Weakness invites aggression. We know why this is occurring, but you prioritize your citizens, ensuring their safety above all things. That is our job as elected officials.”

Watch Flashpoint: “God’s Got This! Israel & the Nations”(Oct. 17, 2023) for more.